The Problem
The problem that I addressed with my Wicked Problem Project was that I was not getting quality feedback from discussion questions during class.
The Solution
The solution that I found was using to have students answer discussion questions using the poll everywhere website or by texting their answers.
The technology that I have chosen to use is a classroom polling program called Poll Everywhere. With Poll Everwhere I can set up poll questions that students can answer by texting from their cell phones or by using computers with internet access. The goal is to use this technology to enhance my pedagogical strategies in the classroom. The pedagogical strategies are active classroom discussion and informal assessment. A large part of my teaching strategy is having active classroom discussions and getting feedback in the form of informal assessments. Typically, in my Advanced Web Publishing class, I will only get feedback from a few of the students. As a result, I know what those students know about the content, but what about the other 28 students in class. I think that by having some of these discussion questions on Poll Everywhere then more students will feel free to respond to questions because they won't have to talk in front of the class and because they may be motivated to use technology in this way.
This technology also plays an important role with the content that I am teaching. It could be used for a variety of topics and content. For my web publishing class, it could be a great tool to have students brainstorm and post their thoughts for web publishing ideas. This could help students facilitate one another with ideas that they could use on their own web projects. Discussing, sharing ideas, and reflecting is something that must be done to further understand any content and this technology helps to facilitate that.
Like I mentioned above, discussions and reflections are an important pedagogical approach to understanding content. For this, students will reflect on their own knowledge of the content and also be able to learn from others through the live online discussion created on Poll Everywhere. This students will be able to experience the content by through many different types of questions posed through this resource.
Here is a link to my WPP Final Product. I recorded my Prezi using Jing.
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