Saturday, May 14, 2011

Social Networks

It is amazing to see how popular social networks have become in the last ten years.  I have been active in social networks for my personal life for the past few years, and have seen the benefits they can bring.  However, I was mostly unaware of the ability of using social networks professionally.  After exploring the many sites that allow teachers to connect through social networks, I can see the advantages that can come from fitting them into my professional life.  I like the ability to make contacts and possibly collaborate with other teachers in my content area.

Most people around my age group have joined a social network in some fashion.  The level of their activity, however, varies greatly.  Some people are very hesitant to share or be active, while others post details of their every move (or so it seems).  I suppose I am somewhere in between when it comes to social networking.

On the other hand, unlike people my age, most high school students have grown up using social networks. It is more of a part of their every day lives.  When I was in high school, I thought it was pretty awesome that we had instant messenger.   Now students can use instant messenger on their social networks while posting a status update, looking at a friend's pictures, and adding new friends.  It is safe to say that most students feel comfortable with social networks.  Hopefully, we can use this level of comfort to motivate and elevate student learning.  

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed that some people are so open in their postings. We went on vacation and I posted not one word. Suppose someone knew where I lived and made me a robbery victim? Just a little technology paranoia going on. ^o^
